Electrical & Computer Engineering Research

Core research expertise
- Antennas and antenna arrays
- Communications systems
- Computing and network hardware and software design
- Digital signal and image processing
- Electrical materials and devices
- Medical electronics
- Robotics and robotic sensors
- Smart grid, power generation and transfer
- Space plasma physics, space weather, and instrumentation
- VLSI design
Click here for a listing of current faculty research interests
Research Laboratories
Space Environment and Instrumentation Laboratory:
Dr. E. Spencer
This laboratory is used to design and develop instruments for studying and characterizing
space plasmas found in the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. These instruments
are integrated into sounding rocket payloads or satellites built for space weather
experiments. Dr. Spencer is currently funded by NSF to develop RF instruments for
space plasma measurements. He is also funded by NASA under the Undergraduate Student
Instrument Program to build a complete Cubesat to launch and test a new Time Domain
Impedance Probe (TDIP) to measure plasma properties in Low Earth Orbit. The laboratory
operates a licensed 70cm two-way satellite ground station.
Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Research Laboratory:
Dr. H. Kirkici
Research in this laboratory includes investigation of high-voltage/high-frequency
breakdown in sub-atmospheric pressures applied to space and aerospace power systems.
The characteristics of plasma generated during breakdown are being investigated to
understand breakdown events and the effects of high frequency on breakdown. Equipment
available includes a variety of high voltage power supplies, function generators,
oscilloscopes, vacuum chambers in varying sizes and shapes, and vacuum pumps. Dr.
Kirkici’s research has been funded by NASA, AFRL, NSF, AFOSR, and private companies.
Applied Electromagnetics Research Laboratory (AERL):
Dr. S. Latif
This laboratory is used to conduct research and development of next generation antennas,
design antennas and associated sub-systems, evaluate their performance, and suggest
refinements. The lab acquired full wave electromagnetic analysis tools, such as Ansys
HFSS and CST Microwave Studio, to model and characterize antennas. The laboratory
has an Anritsu vector network analyzer for measurements up to 40 GHz, and several
other instruments and fabrication tools. Research projects include millimeter-wave
and microwave antennas for wireless communications and biomedical applications, circularly
polarized antennas for satellite communications, adaptive antennas for future 5G wireless
systems, reflect/transmit arrays, and frequency selective surfaces. Dr. Latif's research
is funded by NIH, NASA, and NSF.
Intelligent Systems & Telecommunications Research Laboratory
This research is in the field of high-speed computer networking, cloud computing and
Robotics Laboratory:
Dr. T. Thomas
This laboratory is currently being used by graduate students to build robots. It contains
several full size robots and some robot arms. Tools and instrumentation to conduct
robotics research is included in the laboratory. Broad areas of dynamics and controls
research with applications relating to robots (aerial and water-surface unmanned vehicle)
are being investigated.