Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences Giving

The University of South Alabama Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences significantly impacts marine resource and environmental sustainability due to its unique location on the upper Gulf Coast. Training the next generation of marine and environmental scientists, conducting cutting-edge research, and extending the impact of this training and study through service activities is key to expanding South’s impact on the region and country.

Giving Priorities and Research Initiatives

Oceans are Earth’s most valuable asset, contributing more than $70 trillion annually to the global GDP. As the region’s leader in ensuring sustainable use of the coastal and marine resources of the Gulf of Mexico, the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences addresses pressing environmental concerns of those coastal regions.

You are critical to the continued growth of the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences.

The University and the State of Alabama have invested $8 million in renovating new research and teaching space on campus for the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences. Additional investments from individuals, corporations and foundations are needed to support the continued expansion of this important work including the priorities below.


Ocean Health and Sustainability Initiative

Clean water and safe seafood are key to ensuring the socioeconomic well-being of coastal areas. The Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences is developing new methodologies and cost-effective techniques to monitor water and seafood quality in its new state-of-the-art analytical facilities. Traditional known contaminants, as well as new and emerging threats (pharmaceutical and forever chemicals), can be detected and effective mitigation strategies be devised.

Sustainable Sport Fish Initiative

Our most zealous conservationists are those that use the resource for recreational activities. Ensuring that fisheries are managed in a sustainable manner is key to encouraging the public to get out in the environment and see its wonders. Encouraging conservation measures, such as catch and release and other non-take practices, are key to fisheries management as the coastal populations grow. Managing fisheries to maximize the opportunity for the public to experience the outdoors is the key to economic impact as well as wise stewardship. 

The North American Amazon Initiative

The University of South Alabama campus sits at the interface of the most biologically diverse and productive area in North America! The Mobile-Tensaw River Delta has thousands of unique plants, fish, insects, birds and reptiles, yet we understand little about this system and its role in supporting the fertile crescent of the Gulf of Mexico - the richest area for natural resources in North America. The forest and wetlands in the region may serve as an important carbon sequestration area to combat global warming. Research and protection is critical. 

Environmental and Social Justice Initiative

Historically, access and use of natural resources has not been allocated in an equitable manner. Ensuring all groups in our society, regardless of their ethnicity or financial status, have the opportunity to use coastal resources is a goal of managing resources to maximize opportunity to establish a more equitable land and water use system. This initiative will identify and address impediments to access and recommend management and policy changes to achieve the goal of equal opportunity to natural resources.


Lindsey Kendall
Development Officer | College of Arts and Sciences
(251) 341-3931

Wesley Clark
Assistant Vice President of University Development and Annual Giving
(251) 460-7833


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