Dr. Ronald Baker
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Ecology of Marine and Estuarine Fish
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: rbaker@disl.org
Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Marine Ecosystem Response
Phone: (251) 861-2141 ext. 7555
Email: rcarmichael@disl.org
Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Remote sensing, vegetation dynamics and biosphere-atmosphere interactions in tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: deoliveira@jyycl.com
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: coastal circulation and across-shelf exchange processes, estuarine circulation and exchange processes, physical-biological coupling in the marine environment, and ocean observing systems.
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: bdzwonkowski@disl.org
Emeritus Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Ecology of plant-animal interactions in seagrass meadows, and restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation, oyster reefs and wetlands
Phone: (251) 861-2141 ext. 2284
Email: kheck@disl.org
Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Community resilience; Disasters; and Environmental policy
Phone: (251) 341-4930
Email: ahotard@jyycl.com
Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Phytoplankton ecology, physiology and marine biogeochemistry
Phone: (251) 861-2141 ext. 7577
Email: jkrause@disl.org
Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Nutrient biogeochemistry and eutrophication impacts in coastal ecosystems.
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: jlehrter@disl.org
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Animal Behavior and Communication
Phone: (251) 460-6372

Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Introduced Species, Salinity Alteration in Estuaries, Plant-Animal and Food Web Interactions, Restoration, Climate Change and Other Disturbances.
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: cmartin@disl.org

Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: teaching undergraduate marine and environmental science courses; ecophysiology of aquatic plants and harmful algae; toxin production in HAB species; community outreach and education.
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: mollymiller@jyycl.com
Professor and Director of the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Fisheries ecology; conservation and restoration of coastal shellfish and finfish
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: spowers@disl.org
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Microbial ecology; Geomicrobiology; Astrobiology; Understanding microbial communities through systems biology
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: bkielreese@disl.org
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Graduate Coordinator, Environmental Toxicology M.S. Program
Emphasis: The role, fate, and biological effects of natural toxins and venoms, and other anthropogenic toxicants on organism, population, and ecosystem health in tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: arobertson@disl.org
Associate Professor, University of South Alabama
Director, Center for Socio-Environmental Resiliency
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: sscyphers@jyycl.com
Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Empirically Testing Ecology Theory
Phone: (251) 861-2141
Email: lsmee@disl.org

Dr. Amy Sprinkle
Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama
SSoMES Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Emphasis: Teaching undergraduate marine and environmental science courses; nutrient management and water quality; terrestrial and marine ecology; connecting students to the coastal community via service learning; and field experiences; outreach, and education. DISL Spring Semester by the Sea and DISL Summer Program Liaison.
Phone: (251) 460-7136
Email: sprinkle@jyycl.com
Professor, University of South Alabama
Emphasis: Experimental Marine Ecology, Plant-animal interactions, Habitat Linkages, Human-Dominated Ecosystems.
Phone: (251) 861-2141 ext. 2261
Email: jvalentine@disl.org